A bit of a rolly night in Port Hardy at the government docks but things settled down for a few hours. It rained off and on yesterday but this morning I awoke to beautiful blue sky's and a few cumulus clouds.

Pulled out of Port Hardy at about 0645 to catch the ebb tide and get some current push. Up here the tied ebbs (goes out) to the north and floods (comes in) to the south which is the opposite of Seattle.

I arrived in Bull Harbor about 1045, about 0930 I could start to feel the ocean swells rolling in to Goletas channel. Bull Harbor is on Hope Island which is private first Nation land belonging to the Tlatliskwalla Band. There's only three boats here, WaterLou, Fairtide, and a Canadian sailboat.

We plan to leave early again tomorrow morning to catch the slack tide going around Cape Scott and make the run to Winter Harbor about 50 NM from here. I'll, officially, be on the west side of Vancouver Island and in the Pacific ocean for the first time about Fairtide.

It's with a little, obvious, trepidation to be heading out to the Pacific where there's nothing between Vancouver Island and Japan. Having admitted that, it's why I'm here.

So far, I've travelers 323 nautical miles, 371 statute miles since leaving Seattle on May 28.