Patrick Fox

US  73 years old
I've been the steward of Fairtide for approximately three years. Purchased in December of 2019, just prior to the Covid epidemic, sailing has been limited to local sailing in Puget Sound, the San Juan islands and British Columbia. Solo sailing around Vancouver Island (VI) has been on my list of accomplishments along with a solo trip to Alaska completed in 2018. "The World will hardly admit the excuse for a man leaving a Coast unexplored he has once discovered it. If dangers are his excuse he is then charged with timidity and want of perseverance. If on the other hand he boldly encounters all the dangers and obstacles he meets and is unfortunate not to succeed, he is then charged with temerity and want of conduct.... If I am fortunate enough to surmount all the dangers I may meet, a lack of character will never be brought into question" Captain James Cook (Paraphrased for brevity)

Port Ludlow Weekend

April-May 2023  •  4 days  •  100.3 nm

Weekend trip to Port Ludlow on Fairtide, my Saga 43, with WaterLou a Hanse 430 and Appa a Wauquiez Centurion 42. Had a great sail on Friday tacking against the north wind. Unfortunately the wind was light out of the south on Sunday for the return to Shilshole so we motored back.