Made the 40 NM trip from Winter Harbor to Battle Bay, around the Brooks Peninsula today. I had hoped to explore more of Quatsino Sound but the weather report is for strong winds 20 to 30+ kts for the next week so an executive committee was formed and after much study and analysis it recommended getting around Brooks before the weather change. It was an easy and fun trip wit light NW wind at 8 to 12 kts. Motor sailing with the big genoa up and making 7 to 8 knots speep over ground (SOG).

The transit around Brooks Peninsula was generally easy but there's a number of reefs and rock outcroppings that extend 1

A half mile or more out from shore that you must be aware of. I mostly try to give them a wide pass just to be sure.

Battle Bay is a lovely anchorage, however, it is a bit tricky to get to with islands, islets, and partially to fully submerged rocks that one has to be aware of. Once in though, anchoring is easy in about 25 to 30 feet with a sand gravel bottom. Tomorrow's plan is to explore the area by dinghy, including the Bunsby Islands. Included are a few photos leaving Winter Harbor and some of the reefs off Brooks Peninsula.