Today was an interesting and sometimes frustrating day. We had intended to go to Valdes Cove in Hisnet Inlet off Tlupana Inlet but when I arrived between the possible anchoring depths, lack of room to swing or stern tie and the strong winds I determined for today Valdes was not a viable anchorage, I then motored up to the head of Hisnet Inlet and again, strong wind 15 to 20+ kts and anchoring depths of 50 to 60 feet, at least for today I wasn't going to anchor here.

Next came checking a couple of other coves but none proved a good option. We decided that Resolution Cove on Bligh Island might be a possibility but it is very exposed to wind and ocean swell and proved to be unacceptable.

Out of options and a heavy fog rolling in, we decided to head for the cove at the head Ewin Inlet. Ewin Inlet extends about 3 miles into Bligh Island. Don Douglas named this unnamed cove Bligh Cove, however I think the proper name is Maquinna Cove, if it has a name at all. As it turned out this was a wonderful anchorage, peaceful and well protected. After bashing around for 40+ miles and dealing with night coming on and the damp cold fog we were rewarded with a restful night. Although quite a ways up Ewin Inlet, Bligh Cove is worth a visit.