I'm currently anchored in Hot Springs Cove near the start of Clayoquot Sound. VIsited the hot springs yesterday evening. It is a 2 kilometer (1.2) mile walk along a wonderfully maintained boardwalk through an old growth cedar forest. the walk itself is woth the trip, but then you arrive at an amazing place where 105C hot mineral water flows out of a creek and into a rock formation with small waterfalls and pools. The waterfalls shower you with wonderfully warm water and then you can settle into one of the small pools where the water soothes and washes over you as is flows out to sea.

I assume due to the mineral content the water in the pools is quite buoyant, you can float in a pool totally submerged (except your face if you so choose), suspended in the hot soothing flowing water. Be careful though it, tends to make you loose track of time and place.

After I finally realized I've been lost in time I made the 2K walk back to the dock and dinghy'd back to the boat for a snack and a wonderfully restful night's sleep.