With a plan to spend one more night in Clayoquot Sound before heading south to Ucluelet and Barkley Sound I once again I left Waterfall Beach Cove and headed slightly northwest towards the mouth of Tofino Inlet. It is going to be an expected 40 mile offshore day with southwest winds getting to Ucluelet so I wanted to "stage" my last anchorage somewhere close to but not in Tofino. I chose Heelboom Bay as the cruising guides spoke highly of tis anchorage and its history where is was the site of a protest against logging in the Sound and has historic and cultural meaning to the First Nations People in the area.

When I arrived I, unfortunately, found an OK but not overly interesting bay that saw constant high speed tour boats crisscrossing the inlets and bays. I dropped mu=y anchor and had lunch while considering where I could go that was better than where I was. I settled on Windy Bay, up a short arm about 2 miles that seemed more secluded.

Windy Bay has a reputation for the wind that blows down through a saddle between two mountains and today is no exception. this is a beautiful bay with the north shore a vertical rocky cliff and surrounded on the other sides by forest as long as you have a good anchor set and don't mind your boat "sailing" around some at anchor this is a good anchorage, although, there are other bays and coves that under different circumstances that I would choose before Windy Bay.

Tomorrow a new chapter Barkley Sound.