After a couple of relaxing days in Joe's Bay, it was time to look for a new anchorage. I'm now anchored near the north entrance to Dodger Channel between Diana Island and a series of islets and rocks, only 7nm from Joe's Bay.

This will be an interesting place to spend the night. The islets and rocks knock down the wind and significantly reduce the swell that flows through the channel. I'll be curious to see if the swell is better or worse as the afternoon and evening progress, right now Fairtide is gently rocking in the approximately 1 foot swell, a quite pleasant motion.

It's about 1830 (6:30) and I spent the last half hour watching a humpback whale 🐋 feeding near the entrance to the channel. He/she breached 10 times with his gynormous mouth open. A very cool show and one much appreciated since I've not seen much in the way of aquatic wildlife on this trip.