Woke up this morning in our small cove and found we were surrounded by thousands of jellyfish, so naturally I named our new found anchorage Jellyfish Cove.

Later in the morning we went for a dinghy ride to explore and fish. Exploration was successful, fishing was not.

On a small island in the middle of McBride Bay was an abandoned and dilapidated float cabin complete with a sauna and hot tub. It appeared from newspapers there that the last time anyone had been to the cabin was in 2018. In one part of the Bay was an old logging operation where all that was left was an couple of concrete structures that, I am guessing, must have been used for towing logs to shore to make log booms to then be moved to mills in places like Tahsis. While exploring the area I found some old wood water pipe and was probably used to pipe fresh water from the steam nearby possibley to run a small turbine for electricity. Reluctantly, it was time to go to our next anchorage in Bodega Cove south down Tahsis Inlet.