Made the trip from Hankin Cove to Petroglyph Cove doing a down wind run towards Fair Harbour for an hour or so. Winds in the channels was quite strong from high teens to over 25 kts. We wanted to check out Fair Harbour, which was ordinary. There is a small harbor with a fuel dock and general store. You can also drive to Fair Harbour so some folks trailer recreational fishing boats there so the harbor is generally pretty full.

It is possible to anchor in the bay in about 40 to 50 feet although in my opinion unless you needed fuel there isn't much reason to go there, although it is always interesting to see another new place.

We planned to anchor in Dixie Cove which is purported to be a very protected cove, however when we arrived it was windy and not all that comfortable. We settled on going to Petroglyph Cove, also known as Blue Lips Cove because the water is so cold, if you try to swim there your lips turn blue. Petroglyph was also a bit windy when we arrived but anchoring was easy with plenty of room to swing.

We explored the cove looking for the petroglyphs that are supposed to be there but couldn't find them. What we did find in a small cove were Oysters!!! We had previously found oysters at other anchorages but the sheer number in Petroglyph was amazing. I think we collected well over 60 beautiful specimens and had a few wonderful meals of raw and barbequed oysters. Because we had so many we kept them in a cooler and drained and put in fresh salt water every day. This had the amazing effect of allowing the shellfish to purge out a lot of the dirt and other stuff they collect between being submerged and drying at low tide. Without a doubt these were the best oysters we had with a fresh briney flavor due, I believe in our "rinsing" them over a couple of days.

Don't tell anyone else, but if your looking for fresh oysters Petroglyph Cove is the place to go.