Left the Bunsby Islands this morning with the plan to anchor at the end of Kashutl Inlet. I made the trek all the way with 10 to 20 kt wind on the nose the entire way. Unfortunately it wasn't a viable anchorage so plan B was to anchor in Hankin Cove. Coming back west/south the wind I fought was now perfect for a downwind run. The sailing was so amazing I passed by Hankin Cove just to keep sailing. Winds 15 to 25 and sailing at about 170 deg. T

true I was able to hit 8.3 kts with only the Genoa. I also rolled out the jib and ran wing and wing for a while with the two head sails. I finally rolled up the genoa and tacked back north to Hankin Cove which was also fantastic, hitting 6.2 kts with only my 100% jib. The afternoon's fun had to come to an end, so I rolled up the jib and motored in to Hankin Cove.

Hankin is a lovely anchorage with the options of anchoring in deeper water to have sufficient room to swing or anchor closer to shore and stern tie. There's a large islet in the middle of the cove and a large submerged rock so anchoring close to shore is nice and well protected. All for now, not sure if I'm staying here another day or trying to find another interesting anchorage. Kyuquot is filled with inlets and anchorages jut waiting to be explored.