We were still in Battle Bay today, Saturday. Took the dinghy over to the Bunsby Islands, an interesting and special place. We stopped at a beach at low tide and found 35 oysters some were huge, possibly the largest I've ever seen.

Battle Bay isn't very protected, the wind picked up to high teens and the surge from the ocean swells made staying a not good idea. We ended up in a little Bay on Bunsby Island that is more protected and there's no surge. After getting anchored about 1800 we had a wonderful oyster dinner with a sauce of garlic, rice wine and balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper and a bit of fresh ginger. Super good. One oyster even had two tiny pearls. Tomorrow we're heading to Walters Cove and the Kyuquot sounds and bays looking for more wonderful anchorages, places to visit and new things to experience.