Because it is so serene and peaceful I decided to spend a couple of days relaxing and exploring my new found Waterfall Beach Cove and the head of Tranquil Inlet. I dinghy'd ashore to find the waterfall that I could hear when I arrived, and I was not disappointed. It is a bit of a scramble over a lot of slippery rocks to get far enough into the woods to get to the waterfall but worth the effort. I didn't go too far up as I was alone and didn't want to risk a fall or some other accident so far from help, but a more adventurous or athletic person could probably go further and find something more spectacular.

Also in this little cove is an abandoned float building probably a fishing shack at one time.

While out in the dinghy I toured the head of Tranquil Inlet which is beautiful but not good as an anchorage. Like the head of these inlets, I've found they are very deep and shoal really fast with little warning. there is another petite cove the Don Douglas named Tranquilito Cove. Personally I think that's a bit over the top and have renamed is simply Tranquil Cove. this is a lovely little cove best for one boat, the chart shows a depth of 10+ feet at low tide and because I was in the dinghy I could not tell if that depth was accurate. If you decide to anchor hear enter with caution and be sure of your depth and tide information.