I had a glorious sail from Nuchalitz Provincial Park to Zeballos up Zaballos Inlet running wing-and-wing with main and genoa, finally gybing up the last bit of the Inlet with main and jib.

Zaballos is an interesting town that claims to be the smallest Municipality in British Columbia. People here were super friendly and walking through the once thriving gold mining town was fun and educational. Throughout town there were signs in front of buildings looked like in the 20's and 30's giving me an insight to what life must have been like during the gold rush days on Vancouver Island.

We stayed two nights at the Government docks at a cost of $.95/foot for moorage.

Although the restaurant is only open on Friday and Saturday and for breakfast If you make reservations ahead on Saturday and Sunday and the shelves in the store were mostly bare with some snacks, Ice-cream and some frozen meat. I would definitely go back to Zaballos and recommend a stop there.